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Spreading her universal message on how to help others, Becca has addressed a diverse group of women all over the world.


Since publishing her book, Becca has had the privilege to speak in the following communities, and has often been invited back.


Kind thoughts some readers and attendees have shared.


Listen to recordings of some of Beccas's speeches, and view images from throughout the years.


Becca tailors her talks to the needs and preferences of the communities in which she speaks, and has addressed a diverse array of Jewish audiences, ranging from the ultra-Orthodox to non-affiliated Jews. Below are some examples of speech topics. Also available are specific talks directed to high school students, Rebbetzins, widows, and school principals.

  • Making a Proper Shiva Call

  • Preparing Meals for Families

  • How Businesses can Help

  • What to Say and What not to Say

  • Helping with Financial Matters

  • Visiting a Sick Person in the Hospital or at Home

  • How an Individual can Help with his 'Field of Expertise"

  • How to help for a Simcha (Special Occasion) ​

  • How to help for Shabbos and Yom Tov

  • Being Physically and Emotionally Supportive to your Family Member or Friend

  • How Teenagers Can Help

  • How to be Happy When Confronted with a Difficult Situation

  • Guiding Young, Female Community Leaders or Rebbetzins on how to Help these Families

  • Aspects of Creating a Sensitive Community

Can't find your topic? 

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Image by delfi de la Rua

Baltimore, Maryland

Brooklyn, New York

Chicago, Illinois

Columbus, Ohio

Deal, New Jersey

East Brunswick, New Jersey

Jerusalem, Israel

Johannesburg, South Africa

Kemp Mill, Maryland

Kew Garden Hills, New York

Lawrence, New York

London, England

Monsey, New York

Monticello, New York

Montreal, Canada

Norfolk, Virginia

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Phoenix, Arizona

Pittsburg, Pennsylvania

Silver Spring, Maryland

St. Louis, Missouri

Toronto, Canada

West Orange, New Jersey


High School Principal, Washington D.C.

Thank you very much for speaking to our students and staff. Both talks were very well received and I am sure your message will continue to echo in many of our lives. Your warmth, humor and compassion resonated with everyone as was evident by the question-and-answer period.
mrs._rebecca_feldbaum_helping-with-a-compassionate-heart-and-a-smile_11_06_2023Rebecca (Feldbaum) Steier
00:00 / 35:14
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